Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter and such

I spent my Easter Sunday at one of the most beautiful places on earth, on the cliffs over looking the Cumberland River in Ashland City, Tennessee. My Aunt Liz and Uncle Nip live there in this wonderfully peaceful place. I went up Saturday to help get ready for the Easter festivities the following day. We had a great time. 

This little bugger tried to eat me on my way up the drive, but I didn't let him stop me! No sir!

I gathered river rocks to add to my collection. I've been painting them lately because of this chick.

My friend Grace asked if she could have a slumber party with me and I said sure! She's a great snuggle buddy.

I went to the creek and gathered wild flowers to decorate our table. I was so proud of my arrangements. I think they are my best yet. I'm not that great at it. My sister & Aunt Dancey have the green thumbs in our family.

And this is what I contributed to the Easter meal. Smashed new potatoes. I got this idea from my favorite food blogger. I boiled them until tender, then tossed them in olive oil and smashed them onto a baking sheet. Sprinkled them liberally with salt and pepper, and baked them at 400ยบ until the edges got brown and toasty. They were so yummy! I served them with sour cream that I mixed with finely chopped herbs.

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