Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Aunt Currier Thornton Goodall

My namesake, Currier Goodall, would make beautiful cakes with marzipan flowers. This picture from the Review Appeal is one of my favorites of her surrounded by her amazing creations.

My grandmother wrote this poem for her:

For Currier T. Goodall on her 89th Birthday

by Jane Trabue

You look at your hands with frustration
Because they can't do the jobs they once could.
They won't hold a cup, a needle or brush,
or do the work that you wish that they would.

I look at your hands in amazement
To think of the work they have wrought,
Beautiful flowers of marzipan, needlepoint, clothes, ---
Things that money could not have bought.

You have made beautiful things,
But more beautiful than all of these
Is the life that you have lived, and the joy that you give
With the work of your beautiful hands.

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